Voir le film L'hermine / Courted en streaming VF

Regarder film L'hermine / Courted en streaming complet gratuit et en français (VF)
- Origine: France
- Date de sortie: 2016
- Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Romance
- Duree: 1 h 38 min
- Acteurs: Fabrice Luchini, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Eva Lallier, Corinne Masiero, Sophie-Marie Larrouy, Fouzia Guezoum, Simon Ferrante, Abdellah Moundy, Serge Flamenbaum, Emmanuel Rausenberger
- Realisateur: Christian Vincent
- Langue original: French
- Allocine Rating: 6,6
- Titre Original: Hermelinen
Synopsis: Voir film L'hermine / Courted en streaming VF complet,
If you have to go to court, you pray not to have to appear before Michel Racine, an awfully ruthless judge. Unfortunately for him, this is what happens to Martial Beclin, a man accused of kicking to death his baby daughter. And you can easily guess what his feelings are on the first day of his trial. But neither Martial nor Michel knows it yet: this time, things may turn out differently. Why? Because judge Racine stops being himself the moment he recognizes among the jurors Ditte, a woman doctor he has been secretly in love for a couple of years...
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L'hermine / Courted Streaming
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