Voir le film L'Ecole des dragueurs en streaming VF

Regarder film L'Ecole des dragueurs en streaming complet gratuit et en français (VF)
- Origine: USA
- Date de sortie: 2007
- Genre: Comedy
- Duree: 1 h 40 min
- Acteurs: Billy Bob Thornton, Jon Heder, Jacinda Barrett, Michael Clarke Duncan, Sarah Silverman, David Cross, Matt Walsh, Horatio Sanz, Todd Louiso, Jon Glaser
- Realisateur: Todd Phillips
- Langue original: English
- Allocine Rating: 5,9
Synopsis: Voir film L'Ecole des dragueurs en streaming VF complet,
An unlucky meter reader enrolls in a confidence-building class so he can win the love of the girl of his dreams. The class turns out to be something quite different when it becomes clear to the young man that his professor has his sights set on the same girl.
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